For most medical students, there’s a major obstacle to doing research: being in medical school. Not at Washington University. Read more »
Roger Yusen studies portable oxygen treatment in COPD patients
Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often receive portable oxygen therapy to allow them to breathe easier. But a major study published in The New England Journal of Medicine indicates that supplemental oxygen isn’t helpful for many patients. Read more »
TL1 Alumni, Michael Slade wins poetry contest
TL1 Alumni, Michael Slade won first place in a national competition sponsored by the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society for his life on the brink of death inspired poem “Requiem.” Read more »
William Hawkins receives “Pedal the Cause” grant
Dr. William Hawkins, MTPCI alumni and current mentor, recently received a $10.4 million grant to help developing drugs that can get specifically to the cancer in a person’s body. Dr. Hawkins has also raised money and biked for “Pedal the Cause”. Read more »
CRTC Summer/Fall 2016 Alumni Newsletter
See the CRTC Bi-Annual Alumni Newsletter published in Summer/Fall 2016.
NIH Online Clinical Research Course Registration Open
The Clinical Research Training Center is again this year serving as a remote site for the NIH’s popular free online course “Introduction to the Principles and Practice of Clinical Research.” The course will run September 12, 2016 – April 14, 2017. For more details or to register e-mail or see the NIH Website »
CRTC Announces New 2016 Scholars
The CRTC is pleased to announce that 86 new scholars joined programs in 2016. This includes 8 KL2 Career Development Scholars, 3 K12 Career Development Awards for Clinical Oncology, 18 R25 STRENGTH scholars, 7 scholars in the Postdoctoral Mentored Training Program in Clinical Investigation (MTPCI), 5 scholars admitted directly to the Master of Science in […]
Shayna Conner says there may not be an effect of pot on pregnancy
Based on unadjusted data, the review found a link between marijuana use and both low birth weight and preterm delivery. But when the researchers adjusted the data to account for confounding factors including tobacco — which is often used alongside marijuana — there was no association, says Shayna Conner, MTPCI alumni, in a recent interview with […]
Mario Castro talks about new asthma drug
Dr. Mario Castro, Director of the Office of Training Grants and the Office Faculty Development, speaks to the Arizona Daily Sun about a new biologic drug which tackles hard-to-control asthma. Read more »
Kuhlmann study may explain why people with type O blood more likely to die of cholera
People with blood type O often get more severely ill from cholera than people of other blood types. New research by Dr. Kuhlmann from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis may explain why. Read more »